Azra Bihorac, MD, MS, FCCM, FASN
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Medicine, and Surgery
University of Florida
1600 SW Archer Rd
Gainesville, FL 32610
(352) 273-9009
(352) 273-7722
Dr. Bihorac is an internist, nephrologist, general and neuro-intensivist with a career-long clinical and research interest in postoperative complications, more specifically sepsis and acute kidney injury. She also has an abiding interest in complex biological systems, human-machine interaction and the use of rapid analytic techniques to optimize unstable patient care in real time. She completed a Master’s in Clinical Investigation with an emphasis on advanced quantitative research and developed expertise in computational and statistical methods in outcomes research, focused on perioperative critical care.
Her K23 career award focused on the study of the biological and microcirculatory markers of sepsis and their use in developing early predictive models for organ recovery. The results of her work formed the basis for one of the projects of the P50 award, which was granted to the University of Florida Sepsis and Critical Illness Research Center and on which she serves both as project leader and as Data and Biostatistics Core investigator.
She also led several large clinical trials and published extensively about the epidemiology and outcomes of perioperative acute kidney injury.
In the last two years, she has worked with experts in predictive modeling, medical informatics, and autonomic networks to establish a collaborative research partnership. Their long-term goal is to build upon the unique proximity between the faculties in engineering, computer science and medicine to implement advances in data science and engineering in perioperative and critical care medicine.