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AI Research

PRISMAp researchers study how kidney damage progresses in hospitalized patients

University of Florida Health researchers have used extensive medical data and a leading-edge modeling tool to transform how health care providers observe and manage serious health conditions. A team of PRISMAp researchers that included Director Azra Bihorac, M.D., M.S., and Data and Analytics Core Leader Tezcan Ozrazgat-Baslanti, Ph.D., evaluated…

PRISMAp develops model to predict AKI status after surgery

Precision and Intelligent Systems in Medicine Research Partnership (PRISMAP) researchers have published a new study in Surgery about a PRISMAP-developed, dynamic deep learning model that predicts post-operative acute kidney injury (AKI) stages for the next 24 hours. After surgery, AKI can affect 10%-30% of patients and is associated with…

PRISMAp director on BrainX Talks podcast

Precision and Intelligent Systems in Medicine Research Partnership (PRISMAP) director Azra Bihorac appeared on the BrainX Talks podcast on May 6, 2023, to discuss her history of medical AI research and the current state of machine learning in critical care medicine. During the discussion about medical research, Dr. Bihorac stressed the importance…

Wall Street Journal highlights PRISMAp

The Wall Street Journal highlighted the PRISMAP app MySurgeryRisk and quoted lab director Azra Bihorac in an article discussing how researchers are using electronic health records and artificial intelligence to improve patient care and avoid medical errors. Laura Lando writes, “The aim [of MySurgeryRisk] is to help surgeons before an operation, to…

NPR’s 1A talks AI with PRISMAp director

National Public Radio’s 1A program interviewed the Precision and Intelligent Systems in Medicine Research Partnership (PRISMAP) lab director Azra Bihorac for a segment called “Where AI Helps and Hurts in Health Care.” As part of the wide-ranging discussion, Dr. Bihorac told host Jenn White about the…

NBC Nightly News interviews PRISMAp director

On Saturday, February 4, 2023, PRISMAp director Azra Bihorac appeared on NBC Nightly News in a segment with Dr. John Torres to discuss research into using AI to monitor the status of critically ill patients. “This technology takes a big burden off physicians and nurses,” Bihorac said, “and provides them time to actually…

Framework for ideal medical algorithms proposed by PRISMAp researchers

2022 PRISMAp Highlight In the debut issue of PLOS Digital Health, a team of researchers including PRISMAp faculty partner Tyler Loftus and lab director Azra Bihorac published the article “Ideal algorithms in healthcare: Explainable, dynamic, precise, autonomous, fair, and reproducible.” In the article, the PRISMAp…

PRISMAp faculty discuss medical AI advances in new Florida Physician article

The UF Health publication Florida Physician featured the Precision and Intelligent Systems Medicine Research Partnership (PRISMAp) lab director Azra Bihorac and faculty partner Tyler Loftus in their fall issue for the story “Medicine’s new frontier.” Dr. Bihorac and Dr. Loftus both explained recent advances in medical…